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Account Statements

What is included in my payout?

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Written by Team Tab
Updated over a week ago

Your Tab account works a bit like a bank account, meaning that when we send you your Payout we're sending whatever is in your Available Balance at a particular time.

Your Account Statement on your Tab account is where you can see all changes to your account balance (both Pending and Available).

If you want to see which payments have been included in a payout, you can filter your Account Statement to see the relevant dates.

There are some key things to remember:

1) Your payout only includes payments in your Available Balance

2) Payouts are your Available Balance at Midnight on Sunday UTC time, so your filters need to reflect this

3) Sunday midnight on a date selector looks like Monday 00:00h

Here's an example to find what's included in a payout sent on Wednesday November 22nd:

  1. On your Tab dashboard, go to 'Transactions & Reports' and click on 'Account Statement'

2. You need to select the right dates and times. Your payouts are your Available Balance on Sunday at Midnight UTC time, so you need to select your filters for the time between the cutoff for your payout and the cutoff for the payout before.

Remember, on a date selector Sunday at Midnight looks like Monday 00:00h, so your date selectors will always be Monday - Monday.

a) First, make sure the time is set to UTC time:

b) Then click on 'Custom' to select your dates:

c) You need to select the Monday-Monday week before the payout you want to look at.

In this example, we want to see what was included in the payout of Wednesday November 22nd, so we want to search for payments made after the cutoff for the previous payout (00:00 Monday 13th Nov) and up until the cutoff for this payout (00:00 Monday 20th Nov).

d) In this example, this is what your filters would look like. Nov 13th and Nov 20th are both Mondays, and the time selected on both is 00:00:00.

Click on Submit.

3. The first thing you will see is your Account Summary. Look at the Available Balance column - you'll see the 'Balance at End' matches your Payout. You can also see how much was new charges, and how much was checked in bookings.

*If it doesn't match, check out our troubleshooting below

4. Scroll down the page to see all your new charges. Only the ones in 'Change to Available Balance' are included in this payout.

5. Scroll down further to see Advance Bookings that were checked in. Remember, only the ones in 'Change to Available Balance' will be in this payout.

6. You can see this detail for all types of payments - including refunds. By using this, you can see which payments were included in your payout.

What if my account summary doesn't match my payout?

Make sure you have checked everything on this list:

🕛 Have you set the timezone to UTC?

📆 Have you got the correct dates? Dates for payouts should always be MONDAY to MONDAY

💸 Are you looking at the AVAILABLE BALANCE column?

If you are, here are some other reasons there may be a difference:

  • If you issued a refund after the cutoff for the payout but before we sent you the payout, we still deduct the refund from your payout. If this happens, two payouts will look different - the one immediately after the refund will be lower by the amount of the refund, and the one after that will be higher by the amount of the refund.

  • If there was more than a week between your payout dates, make sure your date range is correct. It should start the Monday before your previous payout.

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