We try to keep our fees as low as we can. However, we do need to cover the costs of operating Tab:
Card processing
Foreign exchange
Bank transfers
Customer support
We think it's fair for customers and businesses to share the cost of using Tab, so both groups pay a small fee.
Fees for Businesses
You don't have to pay any monthly fees, maintenance fees, or set-up fees - charges are made per transaction.
Our standard payment fee for businesses is 2.9%.
If you charge $100 USD, you receive $97.10 USD in your account.
We charge an additional $1 USD for each booking, where a customer pays you in advance.
Fees for Travellers
We charge travellers a fee of 4% when they use Tab, but because they can pay in their own currency they will not pay foreign card usage fees to their bank – and we use pure exchange rates with no hidden commission.
Bank fees for using a card abroad or getting cash from an ATM are typically 3-5%, so most travellers do not pay more to use Tab, even after our fee.
We always clearly show the Tab fee next to the currency rate when a customer pays, and on email receipts.