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Cloudbeds (Booking Engine Plus)
Cloudbeds (Booking Engine Plus)
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Written by Team Tab
Updated over a month ago

If you use Cloudbeds on your website, you can set up Tab as your payment provider to take card payments directly. It would look like this:

When guests click 'Book Now', they are taken to a payment page similar to Tab's Advance Booking page.

What do I need to get started?

You will need to:

1) enable Cloudbeds Booking Engine Plus on your website (this is free - instructions can be found here)

2) activate this feature on your Tab account (please contact the Tab team here)

3) you will need to make sure that the pricing currency on your Cloudbeds account is the same as the pricing currency on your Tab account (the currency that you enter your prices in)

You need to insert a code snippet from Tab on to your Cloudbeds account, and then enable the payment option on your Cloudbeds account. These instructions show you how.



    a. Activate Cloudbeds Booking Engine Plus: Go to the Booking Engine section of your Settings page and click to Upgrade to Booking Engine Plus.


  • Copy the code snippet: Go to your Payment Dashboard, navigate to the Account section, and copy the provided snippet. You must have this feature activated on your Tab account to see this. If you do not see this option, make sure you are logged in to a Manager account. If you are, contact support here to enable the feature.


  1. Insert Snippet in Booking Engine:

    1. Click the account icon in the top-right corner.

    2. Select “Settings”

    3. Then select “Booking Engine” from the options on the left.

    4. Select “Customize” in the Booking widget pages.

    5. Scroll to the “Javascript” section at the bottom of the page and paste the copied snippet there.

  2. Enable Bank Transfer Payment Option

    1. Select “Payments” from the options on the left.

    2. In the “Payment Options” screen, find the “Bank Transfer” section.

    3. Activate the bank transfer option.

      NOTE: once you activate the bank transfer option, Tab will be available as a payment option on your Cloudbeds site. If you want to deactivate the feature, simply disable the Bank Transfer option.

What happens next

Your Cloudbeds account is now set up to take card payments via Tab! Your customers will see a 'Pay with Card' option (see image below as an example). When they click on 'Book Now' they will be redirected to a Tab payment page, similar to an Advance Booking.

We strongly recommend that you go through this process to test that it is set up correctly. You do not need to pay.

You will receive confirmation emails from us as normal, but for Cloudbeds bookings we will include a link to the booking in your Cloudbeds account so that you can easily mark the booking as paid.

Other features

Include a payment link in your Cloudbeds confirmation email (optional)

⚠️ Payment links are only created for guests who select the Tab payment option, but would be inserted into every email if you added this feature, so if you have other payment options on your Cloudbeds, or use Cloudbeds to confirm bookings made on other sites, you should not use this feature.

If you want to, you can include a link to the payment page in emails you send from Cloudbeds (for example, the Reservation Confirmation email that Cloudbeds sends).

This means that guests always have access to the payment link (for example if they didn't pay immediately but decided they wanted to pay later).

To do this, you can include the following URL in whichever email you choose:[conf number]&widget_property=XXXX

[conf number] = the merge tag 'conf number'
XXXX = your property ID

You can insert merge tags on any email, and your property ID can be found in any Cloudbeds URL (see the image below).

As an example, this is the standard Reservation Confirmation email that Cloudbeds provides, with the payment link added:

💡 Tips

  1. Make sure you save the email.

  2. Use the editing options to make sure the font, size and colour is the same so that your added text matches the rest of the email. This is especially important if you have copied and pasted!

  3. The link will fail if there are any typos - including lagging spaces.

  4. We strongly recommend that you test this - once you've hit save, go to your website and make a reservation. When you receive the Reservation Confirmation from Cloudbeds, open it and click on the link to check it works.

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